Court Cases

Case No. Case Institution Date Court Name Issue in Brief Case Parties Present Status Remarks
000000 20-11-2015 District Court There are no case against Govt.ITI Sarainaga. There are no case against Govt.ITI Sarainaga. APPEAL There are no case against Govt.ITI Sarainaga.
24066/2018 19-12-2018 High Court Terms and conditions in respect of salary etc. in PPP Scheme. STATE OF PUNJAB AND ORS REPLY PENDING in the meanwhile, services of the petitioners shall not be terminated except with the prior approval of the court on the grounds 1) work not required. 2)work not satisfactory. 3)Disciplinary action, mis-conduct etc.
25160 30-11-2015 High Court NTC CERTIFICATE MANPREET SINGH BRAR & ANOTHER DECIDED N.T.C. Issued to Trainees