Sr.No | Title | Author | Publication | No. Of Book |
1 | workshop calculation | V.B. verma | ram nath kapoor | 20 |
2 | Electronic eng | joginder singh saini | ram nath kapoor | 20 |
3 | emb & needle work | emb & needle work | royal book depot | 60 |
4 | ED Practical (IT) | V.B.verma | ROYAL BOOK DEPOT | 20 |
5 | hair & skin care | mini roojam | ROYAL BOOK DEPOT | 20 |
6 | IT ENG Drawing | chauhan J. P. singh | ram nath kapoor | 20 |
7 | employbility skills | gurpreeet kaur | royal book depot | 60 |
8 | basic computer | joginder singh saini | royal book depot | 60 |
9 | COPA | joginder singh saini | Ram Nath kapoor | 40 |
10 | cutting and sewing | ravika | 60 |