Mansa is situate in the cotton belt of Punjab and therefore foundly called the Area of White Gold . The district is spread over 2171 sq.kms having a total population of 688630 as per 2001 census amounting to 2.9 of the total population of Punjab . In Mansa district river Ghagger flows through distance of 15kms and Sirhand drain passes through the entire district and has its out-fall in river Ghagger. On the meet of demand of industry, the institute was established in 1971. It is spread in the area 6.71 acers . Initially established with two trades Footwear and hosiery and then One Punjabi Steno but with the needs it expanded with 6 tradesConsumer Electronics Electricia, Draftsman Civi Cutting & Sewing Embroidery & Needle Work COP) It is surrounded by thermal plants small and large industries
Mansa has a historical background, strong economic fundamentals, thermal plant and major trading and educational centers. We emphasis on skills develment, up to date knowledge abount industries for development effcient and suitable manpower with collaboration of local institution management committee (IMC) formed to interact with requirements od it.
Enter History of Institute here...Mansa is situated on Firozpur Delhi Railway line Before 1992 Mansa was part of Distt. In Order to import Industrial Training to the youths of this Area Govt. established Industrial Training Institute Mansa in 1971. Now Institutes nearby village Bainiwali Vedhanta Groups of Tharmal Plant And nearby refinery HMEL at RamanMandi small industries of Agriculture parts in Mansa.

To impart high quality training in order to upgrade skills coupled with personality development at positive attitude with a fox on world class competitiveness to meet the changes and challenges of the