Industry Linkage Details

Type of Industry Linkage S. No. Activity Date Particulars Trade Session Remarks
Industrial Visit/ Industrial Tour/Study Tour 1 21-12-2013 Phuspa Gujral Science city Jalandhar Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (NCVT) August 2013
Industrial Visit/ Industrial Tour/Study Tour 2 17-05-2012 Industrial Tour at Satia Paper Mill Rupana(Sri Muktsar Sahib). Welder August 2012
Major Activities and Contribution 3 15-03-2014 Blood Donation Camp with the Help of Punjab Labortary Bathinda Road Sri Muktsar Sahib NA
Industrial Visit/ Industrial Tour/Study Tour 4 16-12-2014 One industry tour was organized in the month of Dec. to update the knowledge of students. Electrician August 2014
Industrial Visit/ Industrial Tour/Study Tour 5 16-12-2014 One industry tour was organized in the month of Dec. to update the knowledge of students. Plumber August 2014
Industrial Visit/ Industrial Tour/Study Tour 6 16-12-2014 One industry visit was organized in the month of Dec.-2014 Welder August 2014