This college is situated at noise and pollution free green area near the Raja Sansi Airport, College has big playground so that students can grow in all extra curriculum activites, The college has well equipped infrastructure, machines etc. for students. The faculty staff are well qualified and Experienced.
Dissemination of research oriented technical education in emerging disciplines aimed to producing skilled man power suiting to the ever charging needs of the industry in the wake of globalization and...
Bishop Symphorian Silver Jubilee Memorial Industrial training institute affiliate to P.S.B.T.E and I.T and N.C.V.T is a catholic organization which is situated at Santhom Nagar, Raja Sansi in Amritsar since 1998 and run by by Diocese of Jalandhar, Punjab. It is also a minority educational institution recognized by National Commission for Educational Institutions , Government of Indian F. no 50 of 2007. The aim of organization is to provide knowledge and value of education to students . The secondary aim of organization is to make the students best trade man so that they can serve the country.

We aspire to be among the preferred ITI engaged in shaping up globally competent and well-chiselled technocrats so as to emerge as an island of excellence.
BSSJM ITI strives to pursue global standards of excellence in imparting quality education for acquiring academic excellence coupled with social ethics.