Industry Linkage Details

Type of Industry Linkage S. No. Activity Date Particulars Trade Session Remarks
Industry Partner/MOU 1 10-07-2018 Name of the industry partner/MOU Shiv Shakti Electric Store Electrician February 2018
Industry Partner/MOU 2 05-06-2018 Name of the industry partner/MOU Malwa Motors Garage Mech Diesel February 2018
Industry Partner/MOU 3 10-11-2014 Name of the industary & partner/MOUpopular sanitary&paint Plumber August 2014
Industry Partner/MOU 4 12-06-2018 Name of the industry partner/MOU Guru Nanak Steel Industries Welder August 2018
Industry Partner/MOU 5 04-11-2013 i) Name of the industry partner/MOU Harnoor Engineering Works ii) Major Activities/contributor Industry iii) Industry visit/Industrial tour Institute will make industrial visit regularly Welder August 2013